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Trios of Homeopathic remedies

  1. Abdominal colic  a. Magnesia phosphorica b. Colocynthis c. Dioscorea vilosa 2. Anger remedies  a. Chamomilla b. Aconitum napellus c. Bryonia alba 3. Antiscrofulous remedies  a. Baryta carbonica b. Iodium c. Bromium 4. Antipsoric  a. Sulphur b. Lycopodium clavatum c. Calcarea carbonica 5. Antisycotic  a. Medorrhinum b. Causticum c. Thuja occidentalis 6. Antisyphilitic  a. Mercurius solubilis b. Nitricum acidum c. Lachesis mutus 7. Anxiety  a. Aconitum napellus b. Argentum nitricum c. Arsenicum album 8. Bearing down sensation  a. Belladonna b. Lilium tigrinum c. Sepia officinalis 9. Burning  a. Arsenicum album b. Sulphur c. Phosphorus 10. Collapse remedy  a. Veratrum album b. Carbo vegetabilis c. Camphora officinalis 11. Constipation  a. Nux vomica b. Anacardium orientale c. Alumina 12. Corns  a. Antimonium crudum b. Nitricum acidum c. Thuja occidentalis 13. Cravi...

What are polychrests?

  What are polychrests? Answer      The term "polychrest "denotes remedies of "many uses." The term is used to loosely describe "large," well-known/well-characterized homeopathic remedies with broad-based pathogeneses that bear similarity to common disturbances of health, and are very frequently employed in practice in a wide variety of settings. These are our "broad-spectrum" remedies. It is easy to conclude that Sulphur is a polychrest, and that Ceanothus is not, but in between somewhere, the line between "polychrest" and "non-polychrest" is blurry, and drawn to an arbitrary standard. I suppose most homeopaths would describe about 15--25 remedies as polychrests, b...

Miasims Remedies

Miasims Remedies SYCOSIS This miasm is held to be responsible for many sexual and urinary disorders, and affections of the joints and the mucous membranes. Also those conditions worsened by damp weather and by contact with the sea. Thus arthritis and rheumatism, asthma, catarrhs, bronchitis, cystitis and warts are all regarded as partly or mainly sycotic in character. The wart came to be seen as the underlying archetype of this miasm as it is also held to be responsible for all warty excrescences and growths. Chief remedies are Thuja, Lycopodium, Natrum sulph, Causticum, Kali sulph, Staphysagria, Medorrhinum, Calc and Sepia amongst many others. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYPHILIS This miasm is held to be responsible for many diseases of the nervous system, the blood and skeleton as well as a range of psychological disorders, including alcoholism, depression, suicidal imp...