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Showing posts with the label Homeopathy remedies

Spongia tosta

Spongia Tosta 1. Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparison of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica - HENRY CLAY ALLEN, M. D. Coming soon... .. . Click above to read notes☝️ 2. Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica - J. T. KENT Spongia Tosta Mind : The mental symptoms of Spongia show that it is a heart remedy. When a remedy produces the anxiety, fear, and dyspnoea found in Spongia , it will most likely turn out to be a cardiac remedy, unless these conditions are connected with irritation and inflammatory diseases of the brain. In this drug we find without any cerebral symptoms, marked anxiety, fear of death, and suffocation, associat


Silicea 1. Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparison of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica - HENRY CLAY ALLEN, M. D. Coming soon... .. . Click above to read notes☝️ 2. Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica - J. T. KENT Silicea The action of Silica is slow. In the proving, it takes a long time to develop the symptoms. It is, therefore, suited to complaints that develop slowly. Generalities : At certain times of the year and under certain circumstances peculiar symptoms will come out. They may stay with the prover the balance of his life. Such are the long-acting, deep-acting remedies; they are capable of going