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Showing posts with the label Homeopathy remedies

Natrum carbonicum

Natrum Carbonicum 1. Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparison of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica - HENRY CLAY ALLEN, M. D. Coming soon... .. . Click above to read notes☝️ 2. Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica - J. T. KENT Natrum Carbonicum Proved by Hahnemann, Hering and others. Persons who are in the habit of taking carbonate of soda for sour stomach get a proving of this remedy. I have met some of these people and been able to confirm many Natrum symptoms. Old dyspeptics who are always belching and have sour stomach and rheumatism; after twenty years they are stoop-shouldered, pale, sensitive t

Zincum metallicum

Zincum Metallicum 1. Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparison of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica - HENRY CLAY ALLEN, M. D. Coming soon... .. . Click above to read notes☝️ 2. Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica - J. T. KENT Zincum Metallicum Zinc . has a full and substantial proving, including symptoms of every part of the body. It is an antipsoric, suitable in broken down constitutions, feeble constitutions; enfeeblement characterizes the whole proving. The Zinc . patient is nervous and extremely sensitive, excitable, trembling, quivering, twitching of muscles, tearing pains along the course of the nerves, tingling, excited on the least provocation; ov


Valeriana 1. Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparison of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica - HENRY CLAY ALLEN, M. D. Coming soon... .. . Click above to read notes☝️ 2. Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica - J. T. KENT Valeriana This remedy cures many nervous and hysterical phenomena in excitable women and children, and the complaints of the hypochondriac. Great nervous excitability, exaltation, hysterical contractures, trembling, palpitation, sense of levitation, paroxysmal respiration, stitching pains, tension in the limbs, jerking, twitching, globus hystericus. Sensation of something warm rising from the stomach, causing

Veratrum album

Veratrum Album 1. Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparison of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica - HENRY CLAY ALLEN, M. D. Coming soon... .. . Click above to read notes☝️ 2. Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica - J. T. KENT Veratrum Album You will be astonished at the wonderful coldness running through this remedy. Coldness : Hardly a group of symptoms will arise without this accompanying coldness. Coldness of discharges, coldness of the body. You would also wonder at the remarkable prostration attending the various groups of symptoms, complete relaxation and exhaustion, coldness. Profuse sweat, vomiting and diarrhea. Profuse

Tuberculinum bovinum

Tuberculinum Bovinum 1. Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparison of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica - HENRY CLAY ALLEN, M. D. Coming soon... .. . Click above to read notes☝️ 2. Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica - J. T. KENT Tuberculinum Bovinum I want to take up the study of Tuberculinum . The preparation which I use is a little different from that which is generally found in the market. This preparation I procured through a Professor of Veterinary Surgery. In Pennsylvania there came a time when a handsome herd of cattle had to be slaughtered because of tuberculosis. Through the Veterinary Surgeon of the Pen