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Generalities: The use of this remedy is generally confined to symptoms of the kidneys, bladder, uterus, rectum and anus; inflammatory and hemorrhagic symptoms principally of these parts.

Sabina establishes a turmoil in the circulatory system, with violent pulsations all over the body. The patient is disturbed by heat, is worse in a warm room or from too much clothing. Wants the windows open and to be in the open air (Puls.). This turmoil in the circulatory system is such as might be expected in a hemorrhagic remedy.

Inflammation and bleeding: Tendency to bleed from all the mucous membranes, especially of the kidney, bladder and uterus. It has a decided effect in diminishing knots, enlargements, or varices in veins. The principal action is on the lower bowel, about the anus. Hoemorrhoidal tumors which bleed copiously. Constipation with bleeding hemorrhoids. A sense of fullness in these parts.

A sense of fullness in all the veins of the body, a sense of distension, fullness, puffiness, bloating, with pulsations all over, associated with repeated hemorrhages from the mucous membranes.

Great burning and throbbing. Severe suffering, attended with inflammatory symptoms; bloody urine; inflammation of the bladder with continuous urging to urinate, with the general aggravation from heat and the throbbing all over.

Inflammation of the urethra, with a gonorrhoeal discharge, or a catarrhal discharge in the male. The most important sphere is in menstrual symptoms, and its relation to uterine hemorrhage. In the menstrual symptoms the woman suffers from bearing down, labor-like pains. Most distressing in dysmenorrhoea.

Women: The menses last too long and are too copious, and at times in some subjects the flow does not stop before the next period begins.

Too frequent and prolonged copious menses. A striking feature in this drug, as in a few other remedies, is that the flow is liquid, bright red, intermingled with clots. It suits many cases in which the flow slackens up and remains away for a while and then labor-pains come on, and an enormous, partially decomposed clot is passed and this is followed by a bright red flow. This occurs over and over again.

Such a state comes on after abortion, after labor and in dysmenorrhoea. Accompanying the labor-like pains is a violent pain in the sacrum, to the uterus or pubes. Another striking feature is itching, shooting, knife-like pains, causing the patient to scream out, shooting up the vagina to the uterus, or up as far as the umbilicus. These two features, shooting pains from the back to the front and from. below upwards, with hemorrhages, are striking corroborations.

Belladonna and Sabina are the two most important remedies in abortion at three months. Bell. has the same bearing down pains which expel a clot followed by a copious, bright red flow. But the Bell. state is not like that of Sabina. In Bell. it is a hyperesthesia, oversensitiveness to touch and jar; the patient will not allow the nurse to jar the bed, and the bright red flow is hot, so much so that it is noticeable; the parts over which the flow passes are so sensitive that the blood feels intensely hot to her.

This is in keeping with the oversensitiveness of Bell., to touch, light, motion, jar. If the physician jars the bed a scowl will immediately come over the patient's face. Bell. has many pains, not only shooting up but in every direction, irregular pains and bearing down pains. They come and go like lightning, appear suddenly and disappear suddenly, shooting in every direction. If these symptoms are present you will never need Ergot for its physiological effects.

It has often been argued that in these cases of haemorrhage you "won't have time to get the symptoms." The expert physician will often see all these symptoms in the twinkling of an eye. The actions of the patient, a word dropped by the nurse, and what he has observed himself, will have shown him the remedy.

Abortion: As a medicine to prevent abortion it is one of the first to consider, because the symptoms we know are such as come during abortion, and it is most useful after the membranes have ruptured, or the ovum passed, or when the placenta is about to be expelled.

It establishes the normal activities of the uterus so that it will expel whatever is left behind of these membranes. The curetting is never necessary with the homeopathic remedy. It suggests that there is something defective about the woman's organs.

"Inflammation of the ovaries or uterus after abortion or premature labor."

Violent pains through ovaries and uterus. Aching in the sacrum. as if broken, as if the bones would separate. Most violent, tearing, rending, burning pains, with throbbing in the sacrum, with burning and throbbing all over the body, especially throbbing in parts, whether it be the uterus or bladder.

"Copious hemorrhages, accompanied by uterine colic."

Contractive labor-like pains extending from back to pubes and great urging to urinate.

Women again: The uterine colic described is labor-like, drawing up like colic, but also bearing down as if to expel the clot.

Metrorrhagia, resulting from false plethora; clotted and fluid blood; pain extending from sacrum or lumbar region to pubes, with severe bearing down, extending from lower part of back around abdomen and down thighs; blood bright red, thin, liquid; labor-like pains in lumbar and uterine region, discharge of large clots of blood, bright red, coming in gushes, particularly profuse on motion, etc.

This describes the symptoms from abortion or menstruation.

"Menses too profuse, too early, last too long, partly fluid, partly clotted and offensive; flow in paroxysms; with colic and labor-like pains; pains from sacrum to pubes."

At another time, during the climacteric period, a woman is run down by overwork and much child bearing; she has repeated uterine hemorrhages of this character, bright red intermingled with clots; pain from sacrum. to pubes; she becomes exhausted and anemic, but after a while she again builds up, her face becomes plump and she becomes plethoric, only to be broken by another hemorrhage. Uterine hemorrhage in fibroids.

Chronic catarrh of vagina with granulations, copious leucorrhea. Bloody leucorrhea. Old, prolonged, psoric cases. This medicine especially suits gonorrhea in women. It has all the wart-like excrescences found in Thuja, and found in sycosis.

The Thuja wart is a little sensitive wart, appears to be covered with a thin film, and bleeds from the slightest touch. Sabina cures warty excrescences about the anus, cauliflower excrescences, gonorrhoeal warts about the vulva and about the male genitals.

In the uterine hemorrhages compare it with Ipecacuanha, which has a gush of bright red blood fully as copious as Sabina, but at the beginning of that gush, before it has kept on long enough to produce exhaustion, the face becomes pale, there is nausea and a feeling of faintness, syncope, all out of proportion to the amount of blood lost.

Millefolium produces a gushing flow, but it has a continuous dribbling day after day, a continuous flow of bright red blood.

Secale looks like Sabina, and when it is indicated it should never be given in large quantities. it has the expulsive, bearing down, labor-like pains, with the expulsion of large clots and copious flow, but the flow is dark and offensive and after a short time it becomes thin and watery, leaving a brown stain difficult to wash out; at times tarry, copious and continuous, as if the uterus had no ability to contract.

If you observe the cases in which during labor or abortion crude Ergot had been used, you will notice that the patient has feeble uterine contractions as a resultant condition, and this will be seen during the menses or in the next labor.

The symptoms of Ergot last for years; it is another psora. Large doses may kill the foetus and cause abortion, but she will continue to bleed; the uterus will not contract when she most needs contractions. It produces a paralytic condition, and this is the state we prescribe Secale for. We seldom prescribe it for its primary effect, but rather for the state of sub-involution, when the uterus retains the secundines.

There is a continuous oozing of dark and offensive flow. The picture is more complete if we find that no matter how cool the room is, she does not want heat, but wants to be uncovered, and she is a lean, shrivelled, scrawny, hungry patient with dusky skin; she never takes on fat; is not robust. It produces varicoses of the skin and the skin about the toes becomes dusky, and over the shin bones are dark spots, and she wants to lie with the extremities uncovered. Such patients lose flesh and become shrivelled.

In old, troublesome, lingering hemorrhages, starting up fresh on the slightest provocation, Sabina will stop the gush, the acute stage, but it does not hold, the haemorrhage recurs, and then an antipsoric is needed.

Sulphur is very commonly the remedy, but Psorinum, though not laid down in the books for hemorrhages, after Sulphur has exhausted, itself, will often follow for this oozing and frequent recurrence.

Phosphorus is somewhat like Sabina. it has a copious bright red flow, which may or may not contain clots. The striking features are outside the flow. There is pinched countenance, extremely dry tongue and mouth; violent, unquenchable thirst, craving ice-cold water. The haemorrhage is bright red, in a gush or continuous oozing.

In this way we must study well the hemorrhagic remedies. The physician must be acquainted with the emergency remedies, such as belong to the violent diarrheas, cholera, violent sufferings and hemorrhages. He must have them at his finger ends, and he must be able to compare instantaneously. Blood must be stopped.

Atony of the uterus is a striking feature of Sabina. The uterus will not contract on itself until it has something to contract on, like a clot or mole. Hemorrhages from other parts as well. But other remedies have taken its place in these regions because the individualizing symptoms have not been brought out.

Rheumatism: Much rheumatism and gout; gouty nodosities in the joints; they burn so and are so hot that the patient is compelled to put the hands or feet out of bed.

Gouty cases, especially when the constitutional state changes; an alternation; when the gout is present there will be no hemorrhages, and when there are hemorrhages the gout will be relieved.

An alternation of states The gouty condition of the veins is often a hemorrhagic state.

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