Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparison of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica - HENRY CLAY ALLEN, M. D.
Henry C. Allen 1836 - 1909
was Professor of Diseases of the Skin and Miasmatics and founder of the Hering Medical College, City Physician at the Baptist Hospital and the Hering Hospital, an honorable senior of the American Institute of Homeopathy, a member of the International Hahnemannian Association, the Illinois Homeopathic Medical Association, the Englewood Homeopathic Medical Society, the Regular Homeopathic Medical Society of Chicago, Honorary Vice-President of the Cooper Club of London, England, Honorary Member of the Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio State Medical Societies and Honorary Member of the Homeopathic Society of Calcutta, India.
Allen was owner and editor of the Medical Advance for many years. Besides writing many articles in this and other magazines he wrote numerous books which are still standard textbooks for modern homeopaths.
Hahnemann’s teachings were often deemed dogmatic, antiquated, and visionary. Most graduates knew much of transient therapeutic and pathological fads, but little homeopathy. Dr. Allen actively worked for reinstatement of the Organon in college curricula and was largely responsible for its wide-scale use during the turn of the century. Like Hahnemann and Hering before him, Allen passionately defended the inductive method described in the Organon.
His disagreement with James Tyler Kent over the publication of unproven remedies in the Denver Critique illustrates this unwavering commitment to Hahnemann’s principles. James Tyler Kent had promised to publish one remedy a month, but since this proved to be impossible, he described remedies for which there were no provings or clinical experience. Instead he would combine the qualities of Alumina and Silica and speculate on the symptoms that would exist in Alumina silicata.
At the Homeopathic Congress of June 1908, Allen accused James Tyler Kent of publishing unreliable Materia Medica. James Tyler Kent retracted his position and never published a “synthetic” remedy again and actually removed them from the 2nd edition of his Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica. Allen was probably the only homeopath of his time who could stand up to James Tyler Kent.
Allen wrote Keynotes of the Materia Medica with Nosodes, Keynotes and characteristics with comparisons of some of the leading… , Allen’s Keynotes Rearranged and Classified, Keynotes of Leading Remedies, The Materia Medica of the Nosodes, The Therapeutics of intermittent fever, The Homeopathic Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever, The Therapeutics of Fevers; Continued, Bilious, Intermittent, Malarial… , The Homeopathic Therapeutics of Fever, Therapeutics of Tuberculous Affections, The materia medica of the nosodes with provings of the X-ray, and he also revised Boenninghausen’s Slip Repertory, which he updated and arranged for rapid and practical homeopathic work.
Allen also wrote The Vital Force, Notes on frequently indicated remedies, Notes on Sepia, Materia Medica Notes, Pyrogen - A clinical case, Tabacum: Some guiding symptoms, The dynamic element of the remedy, Nosode.
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