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Regional Leaders - Eugene Beauharnais NASH

 Eugene Beauharnais "E. B." Nash (8 March 1838, Hillsdale, New York – 6 November 1917, Cortland, New York) was one of America's leading 19th century homeopaths.

        He graduated from Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College in 1874. He served as Professor of Materia Medica in the New York Homeopathic Medical College, and also taught at the Homoeopathic Hospital of London.

    In 1903 he became president of the International Hahnemannian Association (IHA).

        He is best known as an author of books on homeopathy. His obituary in The Homeopathic Recorder remembered him as, "one of the great teachers of medicine...[who] will live in his books and in the hearts of the many doctors he has helped to be better physicians," and stated, "There are a host of homoeopathic physicians in different parts of the world to-day that owe their success in healing the sick to the writings of Eugene B. Nash

List of Homeopathy Remedies

1 - Abies nigra
2 - Abrotan
3 - Acet acid
4 - Acon
5 - Actea rac
6 - Actea spic
7 - Aesc hip
8 - Aethusa
9 - Agaric
10 - Agnus
11 - Ailant
12 - Aloe
13 - Alumen
14 - Alumina
15 - Am carb
16 - Ambra
17 - Amm mur
18 - Amyl nit
19 - Anac orient
20 - Angust
21 - Ant crud
22 - Ant tart
23 - Anthracinum
24 - Apis
25 - Apomorphia
26 - Aranea
27 - Arg met
28 - Arg nit
29 - Arnica
30 - Ars alb
31 - Arum tri
32 - Asaf
33 - Asarum
34 - Aspar
35 - Astacus
36 - Aur mur natron
37 - Aurum met
38 - Badiaga
39 - Baptisia
40 - Baryta ac
41 - Baryta carb
42 - Bell
43 - Benz ac
44 - Berberis
45 - Bismuth
46 - Borax
47 - Bovista
48 - Brom
49 - Bryon
50 - Cactus
51 - Calabar
52 - Calad
53 - Calc carb
54 - Calc fluor
55 - Calc ost
56 - Calc phos
57 - Calc sulph
58 - Camph
59 - Cann ind
60 - Cann sat
61 - Canth
62 - Caps
63 - Carb an
64 - Carb veg
65 - Carbol ac
66 - Castor equi
67 - Caul
68 - Caust
69 - Cedron
70 - Cepa
71 - Cham
72 - Chel
73 - Chim
74 - Chin sul
75 - China
76 - Chlorine
77 - Cicuta
78 - Cider Vinegar
79 - Cimex
80 - Cimic
81 - Cina
82 - Cinnabar
83 - Cinnamon
84 - Clemat
85 - Cobalt
86 - Cocc
87 - Cocc cact
88 - Coff crud
89 - Colch
90 - Coloc
91 - Comoclad
92 - Conium
93 - Coral
94 - Croc sat
95 - Crot horr
96 - Crot tig
97 - Cup met
98 - Cyclam

    99 - Digital
    100 - Diosc
    101 - Dolichos
    102 - Dros
    103 - Duboisia
    104 - Dulc
    105 - Equiset
    106 - Erigeron
    107 - Eupat perf
    108 - Eupat purp
    109 - Euphras
    110 - Ferr iod
    111 - Ferr met
    112 - Ferr phos
    113 - Fluor ac
    114 - Gambogia
    115 - Gels
    116 - Glon
    117 - Gnaph
    118 - Graph
    119 - Gratiola
    120 - Grind
    121 - Guaiac
    122 - Ham
    123 - Hell
    124 - Helon
    125 - Hep sul
    126 - Hydrast
    127 - Hydroc acid
    128 - Hyos
    129 - Hyper
    130 - Ignat
    131 - Iod
    132 - Ipec
    133 - Iris
    134 - Jaborandi
    135 - Jatropha
    136 - Kali bich
    137 - Kali brom
    138 - Kali carb
    139 - Kali iod
    140 - Kali nit
    141 - Kali sulph
    142 - Kalmia
    143 - Kobalt
    144 - Kreosot
    145 - Lac can
    146 - Lac deflor
    147 - Lach
    148 - Lachnant
    149 - Lact acid
    150 - Lauroc
    151 - Ledum
    152 - Lept
    153 - Lil tig
    154 - Lith carb
    155 - Lobel
    156 - Lycop
    157 - Lyssin
    158 - Mag carb
    159 - Mag mur
    160 - Mag phos
    161 - Mang
    162 - Mang acet
    163 - Medorr
    164 - Melilot
    165 - Menyant
    166 - Merc
    167 - Merc corr
    168 - Merc dulc
    169 - Merc prot
    170 - Merc sol
    171 - Merc viv
    172 - Mez
    173 - Mur ac
    174 - Murex
    175 - Myrtus

176 - Naja
177 - Nat carb
178 - Nat mur
179 - Nat phos
180 - Nat sul
181 - Nit ac
182 - Nitrum
183 - Nuphar
184 - Nux mosch
185 - Nux vom

186 - Ocimum
187 - Oleand
188 - Opium
189 - Oxal acid
190 - Pareira
191 - Paris quad
192 - Petrol
193 - Petrosel
194 - Phos
195 - Phos ac
196 - Phytol
197 - Pic ac
198 - Platina
199 - Plumb
200 - Podoph
201 - Polyporus
202 - Prunus
203 - Psor
204 - Ptelea
205 - Puls
206 - Pyrogen

207 - Ran bulb
208 - Ranunc
209 - Raph
210 - Rheum
211 - Rhod
212 - Rhus rad
213 - Rhus tox
214 - Rumex
215 - Ruta

216 - Sabin
217 - Samb
218 - Sang
219 - Sanicula
220 - Sars
221 - Secale
222 - Selen
223 - Senega
224 - Sepia
225 - Silicea
226 - Spig
227 - Spong
228 - Squilla
229 - Stann
230 - Staph
231 - Sticta
232 - Stilling
233 - Stram
234 - Sulph
235 - Sulph ac
236 - Symph
237 - Syphil

238 - Tabac
239 - Tarax
240 - Tarent cub
241 - Tarent hisp
242 - Tart em
243 - Tell
244 - Tereb
245 - Teucrium
246 - Therid
247 - Thuja
248 - Trillium
249 - Tuberc
250 - Urtica urens
251 - Ustilago

252 - Valer
253 - Verat alb
254 - Verat vir
255 - Viburn op



256 - Zinc
257 - Zingiber
